Friday, April 8, 2011

Product Review - Glutino Apple Breakfast Bars

For future reference, I will grade every item I test on what it looks like, the texture when you eat them, how they taste as compared to traditional wheat items, and what they smell like.  You may think that some of these parameters are rather unusual, but two examples.  I had a chocolate breakfast bar (don't remember who made it, but I will buy it again since I liked them , so just wait and see) that seriously looked like a condensed deep brown colored turd, but it tasted delicious.  Then there were some graham crackers I had that smelled somewhat like the traditional ones but tasted nothing like a graham cracker should.  I will also review how to make something if it has any type of preparation time.

So let's get this started with what I had for breakfast today.  I needed a quick handheld item as I was heading out the door and didn't have time to make myself anything, so I grabbed a Glutino Breakfast bar.  They come in several flavors, but for now I will be reviewing the Apple flavor.  A box of five 1.4 once bars sells for about $6, depending on where you go.  Shoprite, Stop and Shop and Wegman's are good places to find these.

Prep Time - Takes about as long as it would take you to peel open the wrapper, so 3-5 seconds.  Add 5 seconds if it is a new box.  Yes I can be sarcastic and comical at times.  Saves me from creating a very dull blog.

Look - They look just like the Kellogg's brand breakfast bars but they are a bit thicker and sturdier.  You take a Kellogg's bar and hold it by the one end and it will sag and eventually break.  Glutino's holds up a lot better, so it is a good bar for eating while driving or giving to your child.

Texture - I've had plenty of baked goods that are gluten free.  Many of them fall apart once you bite into them and have a powdery texture to them.  They literally fall apart in your mouth.  These bars are different.  They are moist, though still dense.  There is a good amount of filling in them unlike other regular brands like Kellogg's.  Just be sure to take small bites.  I almost choked on it because of how dense it is when eating one today while trying to merge onto Route 78.  Wasn't fun.  If you eat it at home, have on hand a glass of your favorite breakfast beverage.

Taste - The apple filling was very flavorful with some cinnamon, I believe, thrown in for added effect.  The outer part of the bar was also rather tasty, more so than a lot of other GF products I have tried in the past.  Almost tasted like graham crackers, but I don't think it was.  I will have to read the box and see.

Smell - They actually smell exactly like they taste, which is sometimes a surprise to me with GF foods.

Overall, I would buy these again.  They're a great alternative to sitting down for breakfast when you are in a hurry to get somewhere and they make a great snack for kids as well.  Score one point for Glutino.

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