Sunday, January 29, 2012

"Of course, lager! The only thing that can kill a vindaloo!"

Still only a day behind on my once a week goal.  One of these days I will catch up.

Five points to the first reader (which I seem to only have a few of at the moment) that gets the reference.  I will mention it at the end of the week if you didn't figure it out.  No using the internet to cheat!

So my wife and I decided we wanted to see what Vindaloo tasted like.  From the reference we had for it (and yes, I am being vague for the sake of my cute little trivia question), it was supposed to be extremely spicy, yet somehow flavorful.  It is an Indian dish made with chicken, sausage, or mutton (sheep, since I didn't know and had to look it up) usually done as a simmer, marinade, or as a sauce added after the meat is cooked.  It is a curry sauce with a nice fragrant scent.

It was delicious, but not as spicy as we thought it would be.  We do plan on making it again and trying to see if a different preparation method will make it spicier.  Here is a picture of it all decked out with some corn and Coconut Ginger Thai Rice, along with New Grist GF Beer.

Next time, I think we are going to cook the chicken, then coat it in the Vindaloo sauce.  Maybe I'll even bake it in the sauce.  I need to find another way to bring out the spice full-on.

And the beer certainly did eliminate what spice I did encounter, so it is true after all.  Good thing I have more in the fridge for the next attempt at painful Vindaloo.

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